Sunday, April 22, 2012

The T-Shirt Necklace

The T-Shirt Necklace:

You've probably seen the pin everywhere.  I actually saw it on a website, then "Pinterested" it and thought I would give it a try.

What you need to start:

1.  Either a Men's small or medium t-shirt (you can go large or xl if you want the necklace to be LONG or so you can double them) OR a ladies large/xl t-shirt.  Choose any color!  I only had white on hand, so that is what I used.
2.  Scissors or a rotary cutter

3.  Flower or bow or ribbon to accent and add color

So, just take a t-shirt (preferably with OUT seams) and cut the bottom hem off.  (Before you start, the cuts don't have to be perfect, because you won't see how they are cut after you stretch them.  Keep reading to find this out.)

 Then, start cutting about 2 " strips (try to keep them about the same length!)  until you get to the under arms.  Stop there!  

Take your 12 or somewhat strips and stretch them in an oval shape.  They roll beautifully and you won't see any type of edging.  

Now what I did next was place them all together and give them one last stretch.  Then, I added a smaller piece of stretched t-shirt and tied it to a.) hold them together and b.) to allow me to attach any type of flower or bow or ribbon that I wanted to!

Hobby Lobby has t-shirts 30% off tomorrow.  I am going to buy every color that I can!

My Verdict: WINNER!

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